10-04-2004, 02:17 PM
Want a truly pathetic, poorly-made Japanese butter dish? If so, why??!
This one's sort of a dirty, yellowish/brown stained "white" color, made by Harmony House, whoever the hell that is. Says "MOONSTONE", but I'm highly skeptical. It looks more like the porcelain on some delapidated truck stop urinal, except with more hairline cracks.
It claims to be "OVEN & DETERGENT PROOF", but obviously that's a filthy lie, because the label's faded away. Or maybe it was only half-a$$ed stamped on there in the first place. Why in hell would you even put a butter dish in the friggin' oven? To make baked butter?!! Who cares?!
You should only buy this butter dish if you have such low self esteem that you need a constant reminder that at least SOMETHING sucks worse than you. May god have mercy on your miserable soul.
To save y'all time, here's a list of questions/answers from the previous listing of this item