02-01-2002, 08:33 AM
I'm playing on the easy level, and I get to the point where I need to set the explosive timers on the last 2 tanks. I'm the only one left in my squad, and my health is about 60%. I take out the last few guards, set the last explosive charge, and the last remaining task is to leave. Where do I go though? My compass says to head towards the building with the red door. The door is locked though. Then the tank bombs explode, and about 10 Nazis come out out of the red door. There's no way to fend them all off. How do I complete this mission? Is there another way out??
As a side question, is there a way to make it a bit more realistic so that it doesn't take 5 shots to take a man down? I saw there is a realism patch, but it sounded like it only works for multiplayer.