02-02-2002, 11:40 AM
This game (MOH) may the game that I finally go ahead and start looking for a team to play with. I just love playing the Omaha Beach level, but it seems like we (my side, usually the Allies) simply won’t work together to accomplish the task. I get killed over and over again (and unnecessarily) because everyone is pretty much playing on his or her own and then when I come up on five or six Axis, I’m toast! Hey don’t get me wrong its still great fun, but I think I’m looking for something that would offer more team work oriented play. So, what’s the best path to take? Look for teams to join? Do they want you to practice a few times a week? Is it really more fun this way?
I’ll start ‘cruising’ the Net in the meantime. Thanks in advance.
(BTW, my system is pretty solid and I use cable.)