I made a new mod, no, its not really balanced, yes, it is fairly fun, and a tad slower than Jedi-Mod. Its in the mod section of this site, HedgeHugs mod. Yes, it says HedgeHug, sombody had a typo

Its small to download, 48k, so have fun with it people. Here are some details:
Slower firing, 100% accurate, medium-high damage. Zoom.
Very fast firing, not very accurate, low damage, high ammo count
Sniper Rifles:
1 shot then reload, 100% accurate, 1 hit anywhere will kill. Slow reload. Zoom.
Same as sniper rifles. I will update these in the next update, which should be Tuesday.
Same as normal. I couldnt seem to get them doing the things I wanted, I'll have them working Tuesday.
Fast fire rate, low damage, high ammo count, 100% accurate
Shotgun, aka Hand Cannon
100% accurate, medium ammo count, very slow fireing rate, must reload after 1 shot.
--Plan for update--
I need feedback on this mod! If you are going to host a dedicated server with it running, please let me know, and how it plays with a lot of people.
Less zoom, less accuracy, slightly more damage.
Sniper Rifles:
Will be only 100% accurate weapon:
2 clips of three, total of six ammo.
Im not sure, either less accurate, or less damage (5, its ten right now)
Maybe make a little itty bit of spread? Will still kill in one hit.
More accurate than normal, 4 bullets in clip. 1 shot = 1 kill.