In case you haven't read the explanation I posted on the other threads or haven't yet received a personal email from me, I'd like to apologize to those who have met some frustration when trying to download the guide from There was a tiny error in the HTML on the Paypal page that kept customers from being directed to the download site after clicking the "Click here to continue" link. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of Death Valley from Wed thru Mon and was unable to respond to any emails or phone calls, nor was I able to correct the problem until I returned home.
We have done multiple guides in this format thus far and have never had any negative feedback nor any complaints in the past. Please note that this is *not* a rip-off and that we sincerely apologize for not having been able to diagnose the problem earlier.
I'm going to be emailing everyone who purchased the guide between Wed and Mon and sending them the proper link to the download site and will happily refund any monies by request.
View the sample of the guide at
Email complaints and refund requests to
Thanks for your understanding,
Doug Walsh