02-04-2002, 12:50 AM
Man, crizz u have a nice blood patch there where the blood goes threw u on certain weps etc. and it goes on wall. But man the piles of blood are like little Shit droppings. When i cut my self i bleed that much. Dude i take a shotgun to the guy and this little patch of blood comes out. Please either make the piles of blood Bigger for machine guns shotgun rifle etc... Maybe that much blood would come out for pistol but man its too small. Make it like Zero cools blood hes got lots. I also noticed if i take a shotgun to some1 and there on wall nothing is on the wall. LOL man if i took a shotgun to u and u where on wall im 100% sure i would see some blood on the wall behind ya. Infact i would see your fooking body parts stuck to the wall ^-^. Take alook at 187 blood pak it has alot of blood, but that one doesnt go on walls or go threw u like yours does with certain weps. MAN CANT SOME1 COMPINE THESE 2? it would be a perfect blood pak