02-04-2002, 09:29 AM
I printed teh CVARLIST out and I was wondering what the columns were...
here is what I am talking about:
S nomonsters "0"
S g_allowjointime "30"
S roundlimit "0"
filterban "1"
U password ""
L maxentities "1024"
sv_precache "1"
gamedll ""
sv_gamespy "1"
A sv_location "1"
sv_debuggamespy "0"
L net_port "12203"
L net_ip "localhost"
AL net_socksPassword ""
AL net_socksUsername ""
AL net_socksPort "1080"
AL net_socksServer ""
AL net_socksEnabled "0"
AL net_noipx "1"
AL net_noudp "0"
basically what are the "S", "U", "C", "A", and "L" columns are... I know what the commands are... but I don't understand these columns that are different before them...