02-04-2002, 03:13 AM
This is a request to all mod. authors out there. I'd like a server side mod. developed that accomplishes the following:
1) Prevents movement of snipers when using the scope
2) Changes the shotgun from the uber-weapon it currently is, to something less deadly and requiring more aiming skill at close range. I think, lowering the range and damage per "pellet" it fires will help. Also, lower the movement speed with it. Basically, as it stands now, players can pick the shotgun and rack up kills very easily compared to all other weapons except the bazooka...which brings me to my next request.
3) The Bazooka...the weapon of choice for players who can't get a kill with any other weapon. I'd like this weapon to be tweaked a bit to discourage use. Make it so they only have 2 shells to begin with instead of 6. If that isn't possible, have them move a lot slower to simulate the heavy load. Keep in mind this weapon is a anti-TANK device, not a anti-personnel so it shouldn't be that effective against people.
If 2 or 3 aren't possible, and it's easier, just remove the shotgun and bazooka as choices. On my server, most of the regulars won't miss em.
Here are actual stats of some of the guns I could find on the net. If you could tweak them in the game to more closely match I'd appreciate it.
Tommy Gun (seems fine as is):
Caliber: .45
Muzzle velocity: 280mps (920fps)
Rate of Fire: 600-725 rpm
Effective range: 50m (55yards) *might need tweaking*
BAR (seems fine as is):
Caliber: .30
Muzzle velocity: 853mps (2800fps)
Rate of Fire: 550 rpm
Effective range: 550m (600yards)
Caliber: 7.9mm
Muzzle velocity: 650mps
Rate of Fire: 350-450 rpm
Effective range: 400m (500yards ? )
Thanks in advance, and feel free to stop by my server, WarWorld. 12 players max due to DSL upload limitation.
I'll also check back here, to answer/clarify anything you guys may want to ask or comment on.