I don't know about short but I can give you an informative reply:
Good Programs to setup:
MOHAA CI : It will kick laggers, cheaters or anything you want it to kick.
Link -
Rudedog's Message Ceneter Beta : Broadcasts messages
Link -
set rconpassword xxxx - where xxxx is the password
rcon status - gives list of playersid#, name, ip and ping
rcon kick playername - kicks player by name(spelling must be exact)
rcon clientkick userid# - kicks player by id number
rcon kick all - kicks all players from server
rcon say “xxxx xxx” - sends message in voice of console
rcon roundlimit # - sets round limit time in mins
rcon timelimit # - sets time limit for map in mins
rcon fraglimit # - changes the number of victories/frags needed to win
rcon dumpuser “xxx” - xxx is player name, gives skin player is using
rcon serverinfo shows current server settings
rcon restart - restarts current map
rcon map xxx - changes current map xxx is file name of map eg dm/mohdm1
rcon next map xxx - changes next map xxx is file name of map
rcon sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 ......." - sets the order in which the maps are played, must include quotation marks and a space between each map name)
rcon sv_pure 1 - checks clients .pk3 files to look for modifications, cheat check
rcon sv_pure 0 - cheat check off
rcon set sv_privatePassword xxxx - sets the password used on the private slots on the server, where xxxx is the password
rcon set sv_privateClients # - this will set the number of private slots on a server
rcon sv_hostname "xxxx" - changes server name, where “xxxx” is new name
rcon sv_maxping # - players with a ping over # will be unable to connect to the server
rcon g_teamdammage 1 - switches on ff
rcon g_teamdammage 0 - switches off ff
rcon g_gametype # - 1-free for all, 2-team match, 3-round based, 4-objective
rcon set g_inactivity # - players moved to spectator after # seconds
rcon set g_inactiveKick # - players kicked after # seconds of inactive spec
Not to put in those commands, you type into the console one of those commands.
For example, I want to kick someone, I do this:
1. Load Moh:AA
2. Setup the server with name inside of Moh:AA
3. Now when the console is finished loading type in, "set rconpassword porno" replace "porno" with your desired password.
4. Next type in rcon kick Franky or rcon clientkick 1. ["Franky" represents the player name and the "1" represents the player id number. The ID number can be found by typing "status" into console and the number left of their name]
And that should be it.
There are also many other programs like delator, Panda something ect.
Hope that helped.