Alright, I fully installed BiA. I click "Play" on the options menu you get when putting the CD in, and a very small, white box pops up in the middle of my desktop, and there is an unnamed proccess running on the toolbar. After about 3-4 minutes, it says I do not have the correct CD in, which is retarded, because It IS in the DVD-Rom. Is this and issue of CD burning programs or firewalls or anti-virus progreams? Someone help me... loney:
You fully installed the game, right? Did it put a icon on your desktop? Place the cd in the drive and click on EXIT in the pop-up menu. Now double click on the icon on your desktop.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
It says it's not compatible with some DVD-Roms because of that !@#ing CD-Protect. They're not concerned what you do after you buy it, as long as it isn't copying it. I think that's the case here.