02-08-2002, 10:33 AM
Alright, an interesting topic came up the other day on a server I was playing on. What gun overall takes more skill to use? Shotgun or Sniper Rifle? I am sick of people complaining when they get shot with a shotgun, calling whoever is behind it a newb and whining. People say it is cheap! I'll tell you what is cheap, crouching in the dark waiting for someone to walk out a door. I propose that the shotgun is a more difficult weapon to use. Granted it's easy to pull the trigger when you run into someone coming through a door. But, Hey! That's what the weapon is foor, close quarters. But you can't tell me it doesn't take skill to dance around 4 SMG'ers on the roof of omaha. It takes much more agility to dodge bullets and come in close enough to get decent range out of the shotgun than kneeling down and switching from target to target with a sniper rifle. So, give the boom-stick some respect!