That is some stupid shit there. I have seen toyotas with more american parts in them than fords, chevys, gmcs, and dodges. Hell ive seen more "foreign" cars made in america than I have domestics. God that guy is a prick. He is basically saying go BUY one of OUR cars so you can park here. He needs 5 across the eyes
why does everyone hate me ? lol it was just a question , have i came off as an asshole towards you guys ?
When I found out that you moved to Alaska, away from your child, I lost any respect I had for you. Being there for you child is way more important that your happiness, any day.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
If it didn't bother them before the election, it shouldn't bother them now.
I used to call on the GM plant here in Atlanta. They had a rule that if you were in a foreign car you could not park in the vistor lot in the from of the building, which could be seen from the highway. Foreign cars parked in the lost on the side of the building. This was perfectly understandable. But to not let the Marines park there at all, and to add the thing about Pro-Bush stickers, is just stupid.
It is yet another example of the irrational behavior of unions.
I have lived in the Dteroit area for over 40 years and they have NEVER allowed foreign cars in thier lots. It was understandable in the old days before alot of the forien cars were assembled here and before so many foreign parts ended up in the big 3s cars. The Pro-Bush bumper sticker is a complete different thing. I would expect you will see Geofery Feiger on this (big time Detroit lawyer) That would be a freedom of choice. A company cannot punnish you for your politacal views. But the bottom line is it is thier parking lot and they can have who they want in there. Parking is at a premium in Detroit.
Why would they try and recruit there anyways ? If your a "autoworker" and youy actaully have a job in the auto industry....... well chances are if you give that up, your never coming back in... SO why go and sign up for the army ?