02-14-2002, 04:52 AM
Sometimes when I'm playing MOHAA, I feel like i'm playing the best FPS ever designed for the PC. Then, sometimes I feel like i'm playing some POS console game with crap AI respawning and levels that have to be repeated over and over again ad nauseam until you memorize the entire map and positions of every enemy i.e., "Snipers Last Stand".
It's like 2015 tried to appeal to two types of gamers. The PC gamer, who expects something more sophisticated, and the pimple-faced 13yr. old Playstation puke, with ADD, who needs to blast infinite waves of baddies to hold any level of interest.
I sincerely hope 2015 can include an option in the next patch to turn off this ridiculous respawing. And why no lean in SP?