There's a thread for this ?! ...
Well, first, I'll make myself some pasta, breathe a couple of hundred times WHILE installing the game WHILE letting the anticipation build up WHILE thinking about how cool it will be WHILE disregarding anyone trying to communicate with me.
Afterwards, I will stick a hot pocker in my ass and say "HOT NINNY!" and plug the TV-OUT.
I'm not sure I'll play it just yet as much as I'll stare at my hot and bothered computer thinking of the "interfacing" possible between the pc, the poker and myself.
I will then commit to MOH:AAs single player, owning the game itself. I will then own j00 f00lz on da net. ph33r m3. h4x0rz.
Opinions are like small pieces of turd : they're all different and they all STINK.