Sometimes I think to myself, "WTF is wrong with you Derek?". I can eat the weirdest shit and not feel queezy or sick. Hell, even my shit doesn't get all messed up.
Example: Last night I was sort of hungry and went to the grocery store at 2am. I bought 18 packs of Jell-o chocolate pudding (the box was only $5 for 4.5lbs of pudding...nice deal if you ask me). I ate every single one within 40mins. I don't feel sick at all and my stomach hasn't had any gas movements either.
I sometimes will drink 1 gallon of 2% milk for the hell of it. Nothing goes wrong with me.
I'll eat 4 double cheese burgers from McDonald's and not feel any effects.
Last year, my friend and I had a butter eating contest....10 of those little butter-roll packs all in one pile. I didn't throw up or feel odd. (I have the video on my PC. I should shrink it down later and upload it for you guys lol).
My friend's dad makes the hottest salsa known to man. We were at his house and I had his famous salsa mix. Yeah, of course it was freakin hot and made my eyes cry, but my stomach never felt odd.
Strangest thing is, with all of this terrible eating I do, I hardly ever gain any weight. I'm 6'0'' and weigh 155 which is pretty damn skinny.
Any of you dudes have a stomach made out of iron? What have you all eaten?
EDIT: butter eating video: