02-11-2002, 09:18 AM
You know some nights I get so frustrated in multiplayer games I just bail out and figure I'll try again some other evening. Those nights when your deaths outnumber your kills 2 to 1 and you just can't seem to accomplish anything without getting blown to heck. What keeps me coming back though is those beautiful moments when you completely get the drop on somebody and lower the boom on them and its just so fan-freaking-tastic that you want to stand up and cheer. I had one like that last night.....
It had been a bad night to that point, I had just jumped off a server playing allied on the Omaha beach map and getting sniped left and right and was very frustrated,I found a server playing team match on "the bridge" map but I sucked: 14 kills and 36 deaths over a 34:00 minute span. I was ready to call it a night since I had to work early this morning when I decided to try one more map. I came in on the Axis side of a team match on the Algiers map. It was a six on six game and after wandering around for a bit looking for the fight I heard shooting coming closer. I ducked into a building and climb the stairs to a balcony, as a crouched and moved forward onto the balcony I was greeted by what has got to be one of the most gorgeous sights in FPS-Multiplay. Below and too my left we're four allied players two hunkering down behind a wall and two more behind them covering behind a building and darting out every now and again to snap off bursts of fire up the street. I could tell by the volume of fire they were in a gun fight with some of my guys who were out of my line of of sight. They hadn't seen me and had no idea death was above them, it was the perfect setup. I quickly opened up with my smg,pouring an entire clip down on their heads. I nailed both the guys behind the wall but the other two ran from behind the building down the alley before I could reload. Spinning my trusty wheel mouse I dialed for grenades and made a blind throw at the far wall of the building to let the grenades bounce back up the alley. I was surprised but delighted when I saw the next two kills credited to me and my grenades on the upper left of my screen! I had single handedly wiped out four guys and cleared the way for my pinned down team. Its beautiful moments like these that keep me coming back for more. Anyone else have a great moment to share?