Originally Posted by ninty
A perfect example is that guy who killed the kids for throwing eggs at his car.
If it was more difficult to obtain weapons, would he have one?
Carrying a personal weapon seems stupid: to me.
This is a tough issue. I'm not exactly sure where I stand. I plan on purchasing a couple rifles. I use all types of weapons in the Army regularly.
There also seems to be two different issues: protection and hunting.
Hunting is no prob. There are actually 5 different rifles and 2 shotguns in my house right now. In addition to that an old 6 shooter that has been passed down for a while.
Guns for responsible people = yes.
guns for people who will snap at kids throwing eggs = no.
i;m not sure how you can screen for that and how "constitutional" that is to deny someone a firearm.
i know where you're coming from man. But you have to sit down and think, if this guy really wants to own a gun for protection, even if the strictist gun laws are in place; that guy would have obtained one anyway through illegal means.
there should be standard background checks on all firearms, but limiting what firearms you can own seems pointless if a crazy person can obtain one through illegal means anyway.