02-15-2002, 11:25 AM
not a question but just a feeling... i use to play mainly on ww2 sims (sh2, Panzer elite, Il2) and was very impatient ot dicover Mohaa... the last ww2 "first person" i played was Hidden and dangerous and i was waiting another game about this era. i ordered it ten days ago from us (can't wait it in France !) and i'm very impressed by the details, the action, the ambience... uniforms and weapons are nicely modelled and if you add the user-created ss uniforms or sounds , you have a great reconstitution....
i play it in "hard" mode and i find its very close to reality ! its not "one bullet/one death" but almost ! i saw some posts from people who ended in ten hours, telling its not enough.. (ok, i'm not a quake like specialist )but these game is really cool !
i hope there'll be some add-ons with new missions or improvments !!!