For my Energy and the Environment course we had to do a group project which was 20% of our final grade. It's basically about making a website and final paper that talks about transportation and our alternatives to gasoline.
60% of the grade for the project is taken from the website that we create
40% is the paper and mathematical calculations (sustainability, efficiency, or any other calculation)
So it's 3 weeks into the group project and I've sent out 3 e-mails already asking where the fuck are these kids in my group. 3 out of the 4 replied. The professor said she didn't take out the names of the kids that dropped the class ( rolleyes: ). So we're working on it. We divided up the work load pretty easily. The day before it's due, some kid IM's me and goes, "Yo..I'm in your EGEE group. It's due tomorrow. Let me do something."
Seriously, wtf?! I looked him up on facebook and found out he was a collar-popping drunk frat boy. His excuse for not replying to my e-mails was "I had a broken ankle. So I have alot of free time. Let me do somehting." I told him that we already did everything except for the website building. He then goes, "Oh! I'm really good at that. I can do awesome websites. Let me do it." So I was like, ah why not?
Day after everything is due, he sends me the url........ ... Index.html
All the fuckface did was copy and paste our final paper into frontpage. He didn't even add any pictures! PINK!?!?!?! :KLSDJFD:SK!
Here's my brother's website (he's taking the same course, but not the same section as me):
That's what a website should look like.
So yeah, group projects suck!
/end rant