We have Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Team Round Based and Objective but there's no Round based Deathmatch FFA.
Basically it'd be all versus all until only one man is left standing and they would win the round.
If the timer runs out then whoever has the most kills that round wins. If that is equal whoever has the most health wins.
It'd be pretty cool to start with 32 players. It'd be mental to start with and the round would slowly calm down to a stalking match between two players.
It'd be an alternative to normal deathmatch, at the least. It'd promote more tactics in deathmatch, as you couldn't afford to go wild if you wanted to be alive at the end.
But then, if you just camped and hid you could run the risk of not getting enough kills to win in the event of a draw.
What would you all think of this?