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A message from the Iraqi resistance to the American people -
02-05-2006, 10:03 PM
[url=]Video link[/url:58c6f]
[url=]Transcript link[/url:58c6f]
[quote:58c6f] The Mujahideen Army
General Headquarters
The Republic Of Iraq
Official Transcript of Communiqué No.7
Letter to the American People
20 March 2005
People of America
We wish to share with you our thoughts on the events we experienced, as well as what the future may bear, & despite the madness we have endured & still, we see no harm in presenting you the criminal nature of your newly re-elected Emperor.
Despite our belief, that the elections were flawed, we know now that when there is a close tie between the candidates, there is something wrong. Some in our ranks, believe that any candidate from any side of the spectrum, are two faces of the same coin. You the people, have said your word, in what is claimed to be a democracy; & thus, have chosen a leader, who claims to represent your vision.
It is your right to lead the world, as it is the right of any nation which chooses to do so, yet this does not allow you to conquer others. There is a belief of a large number of our people, that a lot of facts do not reach you, facts that may be classified as unsuitable for the general public. Facts, that are twisted to gain a positive image here or there. Nothing new to an emperor who represents deceptions, lies, crimes, half victories, & total defeats.
Your administration, time after time, lied & presented you with achievements directed by Hollywood & preformed in Iraq.
You have elected these criminals, & thus, you are responsible for their actions. We hope that your future decisions will be based on reason & belief, for your emperor tomorrow will mirror the image of America to the world, & by his actions, will your new empire be
Measured. And for the first time in history, a mafia of the weapons plants represented by
Bush, Oil companies represented by Dick Chayne, & the Zionists by Paul Wolfowitz &
Richard Pearle, hijack the United States of America in an ingenious plan to control the world. This type of Administration is exactly what Benjamin Franklin once warned you of.
By weakness & ignorance, you have allowed this gang of criminals to hijack you country, create a new phobia, to recruit those whom they regard as nothing but fuel & vehicles to their master plan.
This administration, will enforce on you as it tries to enforce on our people, new laws that will result in a police state similar to those your consecutive governments back in our region. Legislation will soon be drafted by the appointed puppets to allow foreign ownership of land & structure & soon our people will be the foreigners on the land of their for-fathers. This new world order, will enslave people of all religions & race& Soon your children as well as ours, if they survive, will truly live in a planet of apes, & with a reduced population for ease of control, this can only be the implementation of a plan once presented by Henry Kissinger.
This world has not yet seen an empire, which constitutes in it’s prime objectives, the destruction & genocide of whole populations & societies, only to control the energy resources of this planet.
Your representatives, & their media, have portrayed an image that an insurgency is in
Effect & that it is led by elements of foreign fighters entering from Syria & neighboring
Countries; yet we assure you, that it is only a continuation of what Bush once claimed,
“Mission Accomplished”. This resistance movement was prepared for, & is only the second chapter of this War. And we are mostly if not all Iraqis, Proud Iraqis who kept their oaths to defend people & country. And because this war may last longer than what the invaders anticipated, we have all promised to make their stay long, costly & painful.
Blaming other countries, is nothing but creating new pretexts to invade other sovereign states & back future expeditions.
They have made our country a battlefield to settle accounts with elements of Al-Qaida, formerly dear allies and partners, they have also created new phobias to justify their continued presence, despite their loss of this war.
As for the general media, we call on them to think about what they declare, & not fear death & imprisonment, do not fall into traps prepared by those pull the strings from Tel Aviv.
As for the declared casualties, This is an epic on it’s own. We assure you that the figures are far higher than declared. It is not a secret today in Iraq, what we call the green card soldiers, young men from South America & other parts of the world gathered and promised the U.S. citizenship & large sums of cash for their mercenary services in Iraq. They are always on the frontlines, & their casualty figures are never declared. They are hidden in unmarked graves and dumped into rivers under the cover of moonless nights. Some of which, the resistance has provided evidence of. There are also the large numbers of security contractors, who are not listed as military personnel. To us, it is one thing to be tricked into this war, but it is totally different, to come here & fight someone else’s war.
After the failed American Elections in Iraq, they will now play the sectarian card. They are already sending their mercenaries to destroy churches & mosques alike in order to prepare the grounds for civil war & unrest. They will train more & more local traitors to conduct police operations & detention raids on anyone who does not accept democracy performed at the muzzle of a barrel. The local mercenaries will also act as sandbags to their masters, when we choose to strike.
The non conduct of your troops has also taken it’s toll on our people, it has created resentment & disgust. They dismiss these war crimes as isolated cases, yet the figures are always on the rise. What’s more are the scandals of Abu Graib, poka, The use of Chemical weapons on Falluja, & only gods knows what’s to come.
Life under Dictatorship is far more safer, than behind the bars of your democracy.
Have you not asked yourselves, where are the weapons of mass destruction, & where are the links between our previous government & the once CIA sponsored AL-Qaida? Or is that all now a thing of the past?
What happened to the thousands of innocent people who died & continue to die of cancer,
Women who give birth to deformed babies, caused by the effect of your military’s depleted Uranium shells. Since 1990, our first encounter with your troops on the battlefields, thousands on both sides of the conflict have suffered unknown illnesses, many have died since then, & others lack medical attention. Large parts of Iraq will be radioactive for millions of years to come, & if we were to return this radiating material to the U.S. & Britain, we would be no different than those who use them.
May we ask you, why you think the British government decided to set foot only in areas of the south, where the resistance is still partially active. They have left the difficult areas for your boys to suffer. This deal was accepted by your government only to form a purely cosmetic alliance with a nation that still strives for the glory of it’s imperial past.
They have turned the land of the free, into a camp of capitalist slavery, and then changed
The home of the brave into a printing house for papers they call dollars & guarded it with enormous military might. This administration, which claims that you have re-elected, has brought on more humiliation & insults to each & every one of you, than any other government in your short, yet tremendous history.
& as odd as it may seem, we advise you to take matters into your own hands, & rid this world of such criminals, or any form of government which resembles the Neo-cons in their aims. Form a third party if need be, appoint those who resist pre-emptive war as true representatives of the people, before it is too late. & if demonstrations & protests are not heard, use & protect what is left of your constitution & correct matters by force. The world awaits your move. Today, these words may seem strange, but we believe that a nation which once gave the world John F. Kennedy, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Hughes, & Henry Ford, will not fall short of giving true leaders of substance & dignity.
This war has taught us, that one man on the field can change the outcome of a day, One man, who believes in true freedom, can do what nations put together dare think of.
We share these thoughts with great honesty, to those of you who spent days & nights trying to prevent this war. Timeless efforts to prevent this real holocaust.
To all of you we say, you are the true patriots, & thank you for your time. [/quote:58c6f]