v1.21 to v1.22 fix out... -
03-28-2006, 07:28 PM
This patch for Battlefield 2 updates the game from v1.21 to v1.22. Bug fixes are listed below.
Version 1.22 Changes
- Improved Server Stability
- Fixed rank up messages in Special forces
- Adjusted handling of the Tiger attack chopper
- Added delay for aiming reticule when going prone to all support weapons
- Adjusted deviation on MG36 and PKM to be in line with other support weapons
- Increased rpm from 600 to 900 on the P90
- Fixed Lock on error on certain Oil towers
- Fixed a Great Wall Exploit
- Fixed exploits on Dragon Valley and Karkand
Get it from EA's site or the EA Downloader. 1.3 patch is being worked on, heh
Its 9.29mb, not tried it yet, been playin too much on Oblivion the_finger:
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau