Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by elstatec
Originally Posted by Pyro
BF2 sucks.
tribes sucks.
seriously pyro. BF2 is one of the best games I've played in a long time.
Pyro REALLY doesn't know shit about games. He seems to think COD is
SOOO terrible that it is worth mentioning how bad it is in EVEY thread where it is mentioned in the slightest - despite how many times he already has said it (Nearing the hundred-thousands)...
It really wasn't THAT bad...he never even played COD2, and yet felt that his opinion on the first game warranted the same opinion for the second game - He must've REALLY sucked when he tried it.
Finally, his favourite games are tribes and chrono trigger... oOo: ...I mean, FFS...He REALLY is clueless about everything. I really CANNOT see how bf2 sucks enough for him to mention it, just like he did with COD...When it's probably one of the best shooter games available.