02-20-2002, 01:10 AM
i know this is offtopic but i wanted to make sure beahorn saw this so sorry moderators but u say who will remember castro in 2000 years lol bout as many who will remember jesus by then christianity will be dead so will catholocism ans judism and most major religions its just a matter of time people change but within the next 500 years who will remeber castro hmm lets see people who go to school cubans will always have stories about castro they went thru and still go thru alot same with the puerto ricans and russians castro has played a huge role in the last 40 yrs and if u do not know that then u are more dumb then ur name implies...so now ill save the mod some words
MOVED TO OFF-TOPIC B.S. sorry mods for doin that
Why is Jesus the almighty father? Was I forgotten? The son of Christ!