ok, so i just bought a 360 off ebay. the one i bought was given to this guy as a gift and hes had it for 2 months and says he never plays it.
the sale came with the entire xbox 360 premium edition acesseries. it is a next generation 360 so it has the hard drive built internally.
it came with 3 wireless controllers that all work great.
it came with 5 games:
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Perfect Dark Zero
The only games out of those I really wanted and will probably play are perfect dark and ghost recon.
Everything works great and is in near new condition and I got the reciept and the system is still under warranty which is sweet.
I think i got this for a steal, I only paid 460 for everything and that included shipping. 360 premium's themselves sell for 400 dollars. the 2 extra wireless controllers cost 50 bucks each, and the games are 50 or 60 each too. So for the price of a new 360 premium and one game i got all of this, i think its a deal. what do yall think?
[quote="Crazy Canadian":339c9]buy COD 2, it kicks some serious fuckin ass on 360[/quote:339c9]
really? ive basically had it since it came out on pc. the single player was pretty cool, but the multiplayer was basically the same as cod 1 except there was a few new maps. i may give it a shot on the 360 though.