If you decide to go for GeForce3(which you can't go wrong with), you may want to wait as prices should be going down very shortly with the GeForce4's coming out.
ok, i want to get a new card today....hows this sound?
Predator 128TV Video Card, AGP, 128MB
128MB of memory
Built-In DVD Decoder for TV as a second monitor
DVI output for flat panel monitor support
Supports directX, Direct3D and open GL
Windows XP Compliant
System Compatibility: Windows®
Type of Video Card: 2D/3D Video w/TV Support
Slot Type: AGP
Installed Video Memory: 128 MB
Connectors: 15 pin High-Density D-shell (VGA)
DVI-Digital (DVI-D)
Personnaly, I would stay away from it. Why? I found the following on their website:
"Two or four independently programmable S3 Savage4 accelerators"
Go with either Nvidia or ATI. There should be a card out there from these 2 companies that fits your budget. Also, going with one of these 2 companies assures you that your game will be supported. And I don't beleive that S3 are renouned for their GPU's.
Just my opinion.
[This message has been edited by sk8save1 (edited February 22, 2002).]
The Nvidia geForce 4's are on there way out to a retailer by you. I've got a geForce2 ultra. I've had no problem with it so I say go with an nVidia. But, I'd go to nVidia.com and check out what they have. Read, read, read and when you understand there uses make a pick. I'll get a g4 ti 4600 some time in the future.