<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spineharvester[GF]:
That are not a newb infested land of rape and pillage? I would like to find a server that has people trying to achieve the objectives or work at being a team and challenge the other teams. Sadly even our own GF server has newbs everywhere and I find little to no challenge most of the time. I get accused of cheating and have to run around pistol whipping clueless snipers.
Can we get a server up like a CAL invite servers, where we could get some real hard competition and games, where you have to be very careful of your every move. Anyone know of a server that has a competitive and high skill level players?
I wish there was a West coast server that would be filled with some kick ass players. The one thing I loved about CS was some of the competitive servers as well as R6 and RS...we lack this badly in MOHAA.
I know what you mean and I agree. I get accused of cheating a lot, whether it be god mode, auto-aim, or wall-hack.
You should try playing on the Round-Based servers, I find they're 'usually' newb-free since they don't like waiting.
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