02-23-2002, 07:35 AM
what ya think?, a guy has 40 kills and is number 1 on the list for your team, but he also died 40 times,,. another guy has 14 kills and and died 7 times..... you dont really notice the guy with the least amount of deaths.. but he played a much sounder game.. whats better ? what do you guys think?? ive been known to be a suicide machine gunner and rack a lot of kills and take first,but i'm realizing first isnt always best for team match if your deaths and kills are roughly the same. i'm wondering if a scoreing mode could be made that subtracts kills and deaths. example you can have 40 kills but 36 deaths and your score would be 4. this would bring out the best in game play.. also how about a medal displayed by your name, for some incentive.