12-09-2006, 06:03 PM
If you want to "support" or be for the the war at this moment in time I see nothing wrong with that. Because what would you be supporting? Most likely a quick clean end to the conflict, obviously we can't just pull out and we can't win with brute force.
I can be almost positive there's no people supporting the war in the fashion of 2003 or where they think everything that went on was correct or we can come out with a flawless victory. That would be just insane to say everything the US has done deserves approval and everything they did was correct strategy wise and to continute the War as is.
What I'm saying is if anyone is for the war they're for an exit strategy of some sort. Anyone supporting George W Bush would know even he's looking for an exit strategy...since I guess his time machine is broken so he can't go back to 2003 and call off the war.
As far as reasons for the War starting still being valid today? Besides getting rid of Saddam whilst trying to build them a whole new country, I can't think of any.