Where are parents these days? I know it's a new problem for a new generation of parenting. But seriously, do parents KNOW that their kids post pictures of themselves in towels, bikinis, and panties & bras? What's with little kids trying to act so sexy at a young age?
http://www.stickam.com/viewPhotoGallery ... =173911485
This girl is 14 and she has people 39 and 52 years old commenting on how "sexy she is.'
The user "Heywood" (posted a comment in the lips picture) wrote: "Those lips are wonderful. And I know just where to put them" and in another picture he wrote: "You ARE a cutie" and "I love your eyes" and "I wish I was on the couch next to you" and "Most beautiful girl on Stickam"
The guy had his picture up the other night when I noticed this. He's some fat 59 year old man. I reported his profile to stickam, but so far they haven't gotten to it? or they did nothing about it.
This girl has really conservative pictures posted compared to some other girls that I've seen on stickam. They are posing in bikinis and bras as older men say "sexi111" under them. Stickam is not the only site either. You can see this in countless Myspace profiles as well.
Which all brings me up to my next point. CHRIS HANSON. He's the man. If you don't know who he is, he hosts a show on Dateline NBC called "To Catch a Predator". They set up internet pedophiles and arrest them as they come and "meet up with a 14 year old girl to have sex with".
I was just wondering about how many of these sexual predators actually GET AWAY with fucking little 14 year olds that they met on the internet. How many old men go 1 on 1 with a 13 year old girl and jack off for them? It's really sickening.