I think emry is a dink, too cocky. Not too sure how the fight started with biron and emry though, if they both skated out of it one of them instigated it. But emry didn't really have a choice in fighting peters. I've never really seen a player fight a goalie before.
I could see peters coming into fight emry if emry had gone after biron who didn't want to fight. then peters would be kind of sticking up for biron, but i don't think it happened that way. looks like both goalies consented to the fight. maybe should be a third man in penalty for peters.
find it a little funny that ruff is saying it was a cheap shot on drury, and then puts out his fighters (plus lydman lol). thats kind of cheap too to tell your guys to go after their players, but ottawa should have put their checking line out or something at least. having spezza and heatly out there is probably not a very good idea. i'd rather have a checking like guy get crosschecked than one of them.
good old time hockey thuogh. don't see enough of this anymore. real passion.
this has still got to be one of the best though: