... tm?cnn=yes
[quote:5df29]Viacom sued Google and its online video subsidiary YouTube for $1 billion Tuesday, the first big lawsuit against the online video site and its parent for copyright infringement.
YouTube co-founders Steven Chen and Chad Hurley have to deal with their first major lawsuit for copyright infringement. Viacom is suing YouTube and its parent company Google for more than $1 billion.
In the lawsuit filed Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Viacom (Charts), owner of MTV and Comedy Central, said that "almost 160,000 unauthorized clips of Viacom's programming have been available on YouTube and that these clips had been viewed more than 1.5 billion times." [/quote:5df29]
Gay sleeping: I understand them whining about clips so they get removed, all the time. 1 bilion dollars though, come the fuck on. I give credit to CBS for seeing the benefit of having clips to preview or show funny stuff.