...cancelled. mwah:
I don't know if any of you guys watch this show, but it's amazing. I just read that NBC, in their infinite wisdom, is cancelling it and replacing it with a reality show about real wedding crashers.
I just wrote the following to
I just read that your network is cancelling The Black Donnellys and replacing it with a reality show about REAL wedding crashers. That's an April Fool's joke, right? Right??
Surely you people can't be delusional enough to yank one of the most gripping shows to come along in years. I find it very hard to believe and even harder to accept.
Maybe "Donnellys" was better suited for HBO or some other network who has the cojones to air shows that push the boundaries of television. If your idea of pushing boundaries is "Deal or No Deal" or "The Real Wedding Crashers", I'd look for better medication; the stuff you have obviously isn't curbing the dementia.
You can thank Jeebus for Heroes, The Office and My Name is Earl because that's all you guys have. So, can I expect these three shows to get the hook soon too?
I wouldn't be at all surprised.
I wonder what's on Fox...
Slainte mhath...or not.
I urge any fans of the show to write in...like it would do any good. I feel better anyway. Fuckers.