02-26-2002, 05:23 AM
Start mohaa with +set developer 1
and run in the console "exec development.cfg"
Now use these keys:
F1 "togglemenu leveldesign"
F2 "togglemenu animate2"
F3 "togglemenu emitter"
F4 "togglemenu camera"
F6 "togglemenu decals"
F8 "toggle fps"
F10 "editscript"
F11 "toggle cg_3rd_person"
l "noclip;togglemenu lodtool"
i "getchshader" // command for getting the shader that's under the crosshair
ins "toggle ui_compass"
[ "timescale 100"
] "timescale 1"
//bind F7 "togglemenu smoke"
//bind F7 "togglemenu aipaths"
//bind F5 "togglemenu zound"