02-26-2002, 09:21 AM
How many would like to see a Pacific Theater version to expand with MOH-AA? I would like to see some Japanese battles, Tarawa, Iwo, Guadacanal and Okinawa. I know the Japanese didn't have very good weapons to play this game with, but there was a Japanese SMG and some prototype weapons that could be used. The japanese had smokeless powder so you could give them an advantage there by making the flash not as noticable. How about giving the Japanese those Knee-grenade launchers they had in WWII. I think it would be cool to assault Suribachi or BloodyNose Ridge. Maybe even add a Flame-Thrower in. I would also like to see Marine Raiders with there camo added to Allied list. I can only hope someone else thinks this would be great, maybe someone at EA has thought of this?? Any thoughts would be appreciated!!!