i dont believe microsoft would go in ways of a blu ray player, too much competition with sony to be using their product.
i do believe that microsft have always pushed digital downloads as the next generation rather than hddvd or bluray, thats why they never put the hd dvd drive in the xbox and they have probably made more money via xbox live than sony has made via blue ray.
and if people want to play games the best option is the 360, more games, more exclusives, less shitty ports, cheaper and plays better online. blueray and hddvd were never going to catch on like dvd anyway, plus the 360 has that special chip which up converts dvds to look decent on my hd tv, thats all i need to hear. plus i dont give a shit about what console sells more, thats like comparing it to britney spears selling more albums than metallica. its all about the dreamcast anyway.
ps got every achievement on call of duty 4 finally