02-26-2002, 09:47 AM
After alot of frustration with locking up, every 5-10 min, or so, mainly with looping sound, I finally narrowed down my problem. I disabled 4-way interleaving in the softmenu setup and disabled DRAM bank interleave in the advanced chipset features of my bios. KT7-Raid, latest 64 bios, 512MB of RAM, SB Live, Athlon 1200@1345 (112x12), Geforce3. MOH is the only game that locked up for me. My RAM consists of 2x128MB and 1x256MB chips. I think the 128's are rated 166MHz, the 256 is 133MHz. Maybe that's the problem? Anyway, I saw that alot of others have lockups, and this might help someone.