03-04-2002, 03:07 AM
Gotta say you are the only server my roommate and I play on, unless you are full or down!! Realism, Friendly Fire, all the maps. Great.
But I would like to lobby for fewer V2s and more beaches!!
The V2 map and the bridge take FOREVER, there are like EIGHT rounds in each of those maps. But there is only ONE round on Omaha and only like four rounds on the coolest maps like Southern France and Snowy Park.
My personal least favorite maps are, in order, The V2 Launch Site which I find monotonous; The Hunt, which is fine and all but was played to death during the demo phase; and the Bridge, which is OK too but you pretty much know where the enemy is going to be and it gets boring after like three rounds.
Why not have at least two Omahas, so the losing side can try to get revenge? Why not limit all the maps to the same number of rounds? I would think 3 rounds or 4 tops would be enough before moving on. But 8 times in a row for any of the maps gets old.
Unfortunately for me my least favorite maps all come in a row, V2, Bridge, the Hunt, and Destroyed Villiage with is a lot like the Hunt - after the rushers die the campers take forever. I do not mind the slow, sneaky get the sniper kind of play, but when the same map comes up again and again it can get really boring.
Please think about adding at least one more Omaha and cutting back on those maps that just keep going over and over and over.
I still go there but think it would be more fun if we got through the rotation faster. I know Omaha was limited just for that reason, that is why I say only one more Omaha and a lot less V-2s and Bridges.