First of all, this game looks better than anything I have ever seen! It looks outstanding! I am very glad there is the interest to make such a game. But I believe the educated public will not play it if these issues are not solved. I'm sure the twitch crowd doesn't care about the historical accuracy, BUT for everyone else here are some issues--
1. Correct uniforms, all enlisted soldier's tunics seem to be of the M-36 style. An M-36 tunic is sewn with pleated pockets, bottle-green collar, and internal suspenders instead of Y-straps (load bearing suspenders). If this game is set in 1944 (allied assault?) the deutche soldaten would typically be issued an M-42 tunic, not an M-36 (issued in 1936 in mass through about 1941). Now a small amount of soldiers would still have acquired a tunic of this type, but because of wartime demands and supplies, it was found impractical and rarely seen. Therefore the M-42 tunic was developed because it was cheaper and easier to produce. The M-42 tunic was 100% standard feld-grau (field gray) and had plain, unpleated pockets. It was the MOST common field tunic worn by the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS. Another very common tunic was the M-43. For more information on german tunics, as well as American uniforms, go to They reproduce EXTREMELY AUTHENTIC uniforms and field gear. I do not work for them--I just figured they have photos and excellent information.
2. One more error regarding uniforms of the enlisted men in the screenshots provided--all men are shown to be Unteroffizier/NCOs. This is indicated by the collar tress around the necks of their tunics and shoulderboards. Tress is white/silver cloth lining the tunic collars and shoulderboards. It is extremely inaccurate and quite frankly stupid to have all German enlisted men portrayed as NCOs. Where are the Schutze's (Privates)? Do you remember Hidden & Dangerous? Every german soldier was an Gefreiter (corporal)? That was totally hoak.
3. The sea-foam green tunics...Already discussed in another post. Normal enlisted men's tunics were made of a lower quality wool than officers' tunics, which had a lighter color than the dark feld grau tunic.
4. Regarding the Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf E (Tiger I), they were not so abundant that they would be guarding every house in pairs. Nor would they be guarding airfields or anything else that looked cool. There were only 90 Tiger tanks available in the ENTIRE Normandy campaign. There were only 1,354 produced from July 1942 to August 1944. A tank that would be more common and accurate for you to use would be the workhorse of the Wehrmacht from 1943 on, the Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf H, Ausf J, and the Ausf F (Panzer Mark 4 with schurzen (attachable side armor shields). There were 7,219 Mark IV's in the above variations produced to 1945. They were much more common among Panzer Regiments. You can find references on
Or at any Barnes and Noble or
5. Again regarding all tracked vehicles in your game, the camoflague patterns mapped are not 100%. They are virtually nonexistent or noncommon. You should be able to find accurate paint schemes again in any book on German panzers or the latter web address.
6. Last but not least, weapons. I realize the Garand in one of your pics was mapped in for lack of a K98, but I am not concerned with issues already solved. I wish to inform you on the issuing of certain weapons, as well as their correct accessories. MP-40s should be issued to squad leaders, NCOs and Truppfuhrers (assistent squad leaders), and officers. But you must also see that in the Wehrmacht not all NCOs or Officers had MP-40s. They carried K98s for lack of a SMG. All soldaten must also have correct pouches-depending on the weapon. For example, an NCO with a MP-40 must have MP-40 pouches and a machine gunner must have a P-38 or P-08 pistol and pouch and a tool pouch for the MG-42 or 34.
Pertaining to german machine gunners, the gunners would have spare barrels, ammunition cans, and ammunition belts draped around their necks. For photos or more information, do not hesitate to e-mail me. I talked to one of your developers last September at Camp Roberts in California at a WWII reenactment and he assurred me everything would be cool. I am sure it will be. I am very excited to see this game, I am glad to see something other than the common sci-fi game. Hidden and Dangerous tried it, it was cool, but this will be 1000x better. Enough with my ranting, good luck.