05-10-2001, 08:09 AM
I hope EA is doing this for a very damn good reason because the thought of making MOH:AA at E3 private is just a stab in the back for us fans who sure want to see what we have been waiting for. Now that they have done that, I think they owe us something to make up for the lack of information. I know you guys at 2015 are powerless in this matter, so I say do your best to make sure this game is for us the fans, not for the money or anything else. But for the game and love for the community. Amen to that! As for EA, if any of you guys/gals are cruising by this forum, please note that we are the real fans here, not some average joe off the street picking up the game because he wants to go kill some Germens. We read and study every move you make to the development of the game, we make sites, post news, interact with other fans all in anticipation for the game and all we ask is for you not hide the game from us. Sorry to the rest of the fans who I do not speak for. Thanks and I hope this game is very sucessful for both EA and 2015.