Whelp, we've landed safely and are all accounted for (I think

Here's a quick re-cap of the show:
The CG trailer is what was shown on the big jumbo-tron screen that EA had for their area, as well as right in front of the 'bunker' (as we called it) for the on-the-floor presentation. This was comprised of some of the in-game assets and animations from our end, and put together by a company EA employed (I don't know the name of the company specifically). They then made more animations, touched up the assets we sent, and added some more and did all the camera work and cinematics. They did an awesome job on it, big thanks go out to you guys and Lincoln Hershberger for setting that up

What we were showing behind closed doors inside the 'bunker' was 2 levels demonstrated in-engine. The first was a peice of a level that is part of mission 3, the Omaha beach landing, and the second was a peice of a level that is part of mission 5, squad combat through a war-torn french town plagued with German snipers. Nothing was pre-recorded or played back as a demo, it was all played live, real-time, in-engine (Vince, Mackey, Kaleb at DWI, and myself all were the drivers).
Each showing was about 15 - 20 minutes. It was made open to everybody. Per showing, whatever press or appointments were there got seated in first, and then the rest of the 'bunker' was filled up with as many people we could file in there. Our appologies to those who waited paitiently in line and weren't able to get in, we tried to move things along as fast as we could.
I want to say a huge thank you to whomever came and stopped by the 'bunker' at E3. It was a truly amazing sight to see. On the first day of E3 there was a short line of about 15 - 20 people waiting for each showing. Everyday after that, there was a BIG line wrapping around the corner of the EA section waiting to see what we had to show. We never expected that, and it was an inspiring sight to see. We had only very positive comments said to us, and it seems that we've impressed a lot of people as well (I know we've recieved two IGN best of E3 nominations because I walked up for my turn to drive, and saw the ribbons posted on the 'bunker'

. Again a huge thank you to those that thought our game was worthy

All of us here are very happy with the response and comments and feedback, and we couldn't have wished for a better first E3 showing. Again (I just can't stress this enough

a huge thank you to all that stopped by and checked out what we had to show. You guys make what we do worth it
A lot of great games were being shown off at E3, and it looks to be a good year for PC games. There are quite a few titles on my list that I'm definately looking forward to, and it was great to get a chance to have a sneak peak at them (for what limited time I actually had to walk around

. Check out all the E3 coverage for yourselves on all the stuff that was shown, definately a year to be excited about
As for us, we move up into our new offices tomorrow, so we'll be incommunicado for a few days. I've read a few questions here on the forum that I know we want to answer, but being tired and sleep deprived call us back to our houses. I just wanted to send off a quick message of thanks to you guys first

Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers