05-24-2001, 08:56 AM
Developers, I think we all have a question about the blood issue of the game. We know about the dust when it hits cloths and such, but when it hits skin will there be a small red spray or just a flash like some crappy console games (no offense) will there be a small puddle when they hit hard floors? And also in Saving Private Ryan, as reference, when the door opened one guy was hit in the helmet throwing blood up in the air, I am also asking if clothing will dent or burst when it is hit? And also there is a half-life mod named DoD, in case you have heard of it, they signal a helmet hit by a clank of metal, will you use this teqnique or not? just wonderen. Please, I think we all wanna know about the gore issue, even if E.A. is holden you back, your ideas about what you will put in there as a substitute would be a great relief to all of us fans of yours out there