Warped Tour! -
08-13-2002, 08:26 PM
I just went today in Pittsburgh. I expected it to be a really lame show with a bunch of teeny bopper girls and those retarded punks that think they are cool because they dress like Blink 182, well....
...it was basicaly that. I can't believe some parents these day (considering i'm 17 this is an odd way of thinking) they let their 10-12 year old daughters wander the grounds while weird pedophiles wander around drunk and stoned out of their minds.
They were giving out free condoms, i never knew there were soo many uses for one other than sex. People were blowing them up like balloons, wearing them on their fingers, putting them on their mohawk spikes, and other ways, it was hilarious.
As for music, the band i came to the tour was Bad Religion. They ROCKED like none other! However, to my dismay, the least punk band , Andrew WK, was the best band there. If you don't know who he is i'll sum it up for you...a very dirty middle age man and his weird ass friends. He got the crowd going and he had the best mosh pit i've ever been to.
I guess for the 37 bucks i paid to go, it was definatly worth every penny.