Junior Member
Posts: 9
Join Date: Jul 2002
All Seeing EYE: MoHaa buddylog.txt convert Buddylog.csv a ni -
08-20-2002, 10:51 AM
Buddylog.txt format SUCKS.. there is nothing else you can do with it but read it in a text editor.
A nice guy wrote a program for me so i can import the data into excel and make graphs of
how long, somebody, at what time played for how long on what server...
Offcourse you can make nice stats with it if you let asEYE monitor 24/7....
The only thing is.. buddy's may not change their names because then asEYE loses track of them....
This is the program: [url=http://home.wanadoo.nl/cjdijk/tweakers/Buddy2Csv.ZIP:2fd82]Buddy2csv.exe[/url:2fd82] (i only tested it with logging the game Medal of honnor...
Credits go to: cjdijk
What does it do... (sorry, the code tag doesn't work normally on this forum)
Orginal buddylog:
Thu Jul 18 21:44:30 2002 log opened
Thu Jul 18 21:44:30 2002 tracker activated
Thu Jul 18 21:44:31 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel entered -=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password) (MOH:
Thu Jul 18 21:44:31 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania entered -=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password) (MOH:
Thu Jul 18 21:49:12 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel left -=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password) (MOH:, time wasted: 4 minutes 41 seconds
Thu Jul 18 21:54:30 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel entered -=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password) (MOH:
Thu Jul 18 22:40:29 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania left -=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password) (MOH:, time wasted: 55 minutes 58 seconds
Thu Jul 18 22:45:49 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania entered -=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password) (MOH:
Thu Jul 18 22:51:48 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania left -=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password) (MOH:, time wasted: 5 minutes 59 seconds
Thu Jul 18 22:53:07 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania entered -=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password) (MOH:
Thu Jul 18 23:45:43 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania left -=[ Die : ) ]=- clan server come practice... (MOH:, time wasted: 52 minutes 36 seconds
Thu Jul 18 23:52:24 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel left -=[ Die : ) ]=- clan server come practice... (MOH:, time wasted: 1 hour 57 minutes
Fri Jul 19 00:07:43 2002 -=[ Die : - ) ] St@lker entered -=[ Die : ) ]=- clan server come practice... (MOH:
Fri Jul 19 00:09:42 2002 -=[ Die : - ) ] St@lker left -=[ Die : ) ]=- clan server come practice... (MOH:, time wasted: 1 minute 59 seconds
Fri Jul 19 02:46:55 2002 tracker deactivated
Fri Jul 19 02:46:55 2002 log closed
Fri Jul 19 11:25:26 2002 log opened
Fri Jul 19 11:25:26 2002 tracker activated
Fri Jul 19 14:42:01 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania entered De Bokkerijders Clanserver (10Mbit) (MOH:
Fri Jul 19 14:51:58 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania entered WILLY's PLACE (REALISM) (MOH:
Fri Jul 19 14:52:38 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania left WILLY's PLACE (REALISM) (MOH:, time wasted: 40 seconds
Fri Jul 19 14:53:20 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania left De Bokkerijders Clanserver (10Mbit) (MOH:, time wasted: 11 minutes 19 seconds
Fri Jul 19 14:53:22 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania entered gamesdomain.co.uk - Objective (06) - Realism [Non Subscribers] (MOH:
Fri Jul 19 15:10:41 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania left gamesdomain.co.uk - Objective (06) - Realism [Non Subscribers] (MOH:, time wasted: 17 minutes 19 seconds
Fri Jul 19 17:08:58 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel entered blueyonder Medal of Honour Objective #03 (FF on) [CKR Realism] (MOH:
Fri Jul 19 18:10:16 2002 -=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel left blueyonder Medal of Honour Objective #03 (FF on) [CKR Realism] (MOH:, time wasted: 1 hour 1 minute
Fri Jul 19 19:47:24 2002 tracker deactivated
Fri Jul 19 19:47:24 2002 log closed
and then turns it into:
Thu,Jul,18,21:49:12,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel,-=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password),,00:04:41
Thu,Jul,18,22:40:29,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania,-=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password),,00:55:58
Thu,Jul,18,22:51:48,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania,-=[ Die : ) ]=- Laughing clanserver (password),,00:05:59
Thu,Jul,18,23:45:43,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania,-=[ Die : ) ]=- clan server come practice...,,00:52:36
Thu,Jul,18,23:52:24,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel,-=[ Die : ) ]=- clan server come practice...,,01:57:00
Fri,Jul,19,00:09:42,2002,-=[ Die : - ) ] St@lker,-=[ Die : ) ]=- clan server come practice...,,00:01:59
Fri,Jul,19,14:52:38,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania,WILLY's PLACE (REALISM),,00:00:40
Fri,Jul,19,14:53:20,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania,De Bokkerijders Clanserver (10Mbit),,00:11:19
Fri,Jul,19,15:10:41,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- stucmania,gamesdomain.co.uk - Objective (06) - Realism [Non Subscribers],,00:17:19
Fri,Jul,19,18:10:16,2002,-=[ Die : ) ]=- Kameel,blueyonder Medal of Honour Objective #03 (FF on) [CKR Realism],,01:01:00
THIS you can import into excel and work with it... al the important data is filterd and placed between ,
The time format is in ##:##:## .... not that stupic hours minutes and seconds text...
Copy buddylog.txt to another folder (try to avoid using the original file), put the Budd2Csv.exe with it.
Start with the command "Buddy2Csv buddylog.txt"... then it outputs buddylog.csv
Special notices:
It only works with on the lines with the string " (MOH:" not earlyer as position 40 an the string ", time wasted: " not earlyer as position 65
I hope somebody else can work with it and make nice spreadsheets...