Need PMs from ppl wanting to test out RW/MyTuner for the server.
Good news-Its a done deal even if its not officially affilliated with rude's server or
Bad news-Due to limitations in RW as its been explained to me, it will have to be for regulars and not just the casual forum browser or player. I *think* I can let anyone who PMs me use it but there has to be some kind of control.
Its a bandwidth issue. However, its unlimited individual channels as long as the max users on all channels combined isnt more than 64. This should be plenty for both servers
I would like to also extend this to the fine folks of =DOA= if BallBuster is interested. Same setup as for rudes channel for each side and a 3rd for Admins only. Actually I can setup as many channels as you need BB. Let me know buddy.
So fellas get back to me or post here if you want to help setup/test this out. I think once its up and running it'll be blast playing