Many have writtien in asking if there would be a add on for the sound mod , well to answer that question I have this to say
Fubah Total War ADD ON
First off I wanted to say Thank You all out there for taking the time and checking out Total War.
Many of you wrote in and asked so when is the add on Foobs , so without any delay these were the elements
I had almost done but not in the mod TW . So without further a dew Enjoy Total War Addon .
Install to main
Character Sounds:
1.Walking In Snow (Made It more clean and crunchy sounding)
New Foley Sounds:
1.Grenade Forward
2.Grenade Pin Pull (made it more brighter in sound)
3.Heavy Weapons Forward (Gave it a little more bass and depth)
4.Kar Clip Reload
5.Kar Rechamber
6.Kar Reload Start And End Sounds
7.Mine Trigger (This is when ya step on a mine , made it more clear and noticeable)
8.Rfile Forward
9.SMG Forward
10.Panzer Reload
11.MP44 Reload
12.MG Forward
13.Rifle Shell Hard
Some of these sounds if not most are the game's default but yet with making Total WAr , these were
not bad sounds the game had ,just wanted to give them a touch up I guess but the Kar has new sounds in
itself (reload sequence) and so does the grenade forward.I think when ya use this you will see what I mean in
that the sounds themselves we have al gotten use to now sound more clear.
She is ready for war so I have sent it to Allied Assault and I am sure they will see their email soon .
Enjoy and Thank you again for all your support and taking the time to try a hefty in size mod .
Keepin Moh Alive,