get into spec mode without it showing up??? -
08-29-2002, 10:31 AM
Im an admin of a dedicated moh server.. Last night through some glitch I still don't understand, I was able to get into spec mode while showed me as still being in active play.. It even carried through to the next map change and I later asked a fellow player and he confirmed it showed up to everyone that I was in active play and NOT in spec mode which I was!..
Here is the thing.. when in spec mode I caught one of my reg players doing some very very questionable stuff (walls) that I have never witnessed before! I can see why this stealth spec mode would be a HUUUUUGE asset in anti cheating move..
Does anyone know how this happens or had it happen to them?? Is there a way I can recreate this glitch to get into spec mode and have it show me as still playing??
help.. thanks..