A new website,
http://www.medalofhonorfiles.com or
http://www.mohfiles.com (same site) is going to soon be launched. If you go to
http://www.filesnetwork.com you can see all the sites that are currently in use. Many more sites are currently being created. Send Your maps/mods/skins/anything really, including a description and a screenshot if possible to
If you look at the link you will find that it is not up at this moment. We are going to collect files before officially launching the site.
Look at some of the other files network sites. Ex.
http://www.rtcwfiles.com (return to castle wolfenstein). You will see that many people visit these sites and they contain many files. These sites are a great way to get yourself known and get a lot of people playing your maps.
Please feel free to contact me at
madmanfrommars@mohfiles.com or through ICQ or AIM. Thanks.