objective complete round end .... coop -
09-10-2002, 12:19 AM
I want to know what to add to my script (working with a trigger for allies only) to get it so when you reach a certain destination ( a trigger at end of level) you get the victory thing and the round ends.
What I am wanting to do (scorpio and wombat are neck deep in work and I have to learn myself one day) is make my regular obj or dm level , and then include another level in multiplayer (eg obj) of the same map where you have a little coop game. Take out the bad guys as you wind your way through the level and eventually get to the end round trigger and become victorious.
I would like it so that at the end you get a list of how we all did who died so many times who fragged the most badguys.
Also how would you get it so that you can only join allies and you won't have the auto team balance kick in.?
These are all the issues I can think of at the monment. I guess in time I will learn all this cos wombat is doing an ai level for the upcomeing snowey looking map we are doing with scorpio and I can find out then.
So if you have the time for this and want to help me get brainy then I thank you very much.
One more thing (when will this guy shuuut up !) I have wombats tut for moveing vehecles that will take of at round start . Howdo you get it so you hit a trigger for it to happen?
The script looks like this....
level waittill spawn
$truck drive $truckpath 200 100 40 128 // speed, acc/dec , close to nodes, lookahead..
$truck waittill drive // wait until the end is reached
$truck stop // stop the truck, sometimes it keeps going if you don't