RoundBased Objective -
09-25-2002, 08:10 AM
hi guys i have set up a small server for ppl at my work and anyway my problem is below
ok when we play obj maps everything is fine no respwan and 5min rounds but when a DM map comes on it is 15 min rounds and u can respawn and i was told u have to change it to roundbased to play DM maps with out respawn.
Server info settings:
cheats : 0
sv_maxclients : 24
g_allowjointime : .10
g_maxintermission : 10
sv_privateClients : 2
g_gametype : 4
deathmatch : 1-------- so how do i change this cry:
Time limit is 15 mins and round limit is 5 mins, so say the bridge comes on we will play roughly 3 rounds of 5 mins, with no respawn which is wot we want.
Then the bridge finish's and say destroyed village comes on, instead of having the same format as above it is one 15 min round with respawn which w e dont want.
so wot i was told is i need to make the server "round based objective" so all my maps will have the same format as example 1